Saturday, November 25, 2023

कोल्लापुर, नगरकुर्नूल, तेलंगाना में डेविड बनाम गोलियथ (Hindi)

कैसे तेलंगाना के नगरकुर्नूल विधानसभा के कोल्लापुर की एक 25 साल की गरीब लड़की जमीनी स्तर तक पहुंच रही है और सत्तारूढ़ दल के दिग्गजों को चुनौती दे रही है।

सिरिशा उर्फ बर्रेलक्का जिसके गांव में कुछ भैंसें थीं। वह बीकॉम पूरा करने के बाद तेलंगाना राज्य सिविल ग्रुप परीक्षा में शामिल होना चाहती थी। परीक्षा में बैठने की इच्छा के साथ, उसने अपने कुछ मवेशी बेच दिए और कोचिंग कक्षाओं में भाग लेने के लिए हैदराबाद शहर में आ गई। उन्हें एक हॉस्टल में रहना पड़ा जहां का खाना बेहद खराब था, उन्होंने कहा कि उन्हें खाने पर नहीं बल्कि अपने लक्ष्य पर ध्यान देना था। लेकिन जब राज्य सरकार ने समूह परीक्षाओं में देरी की और बाद में पेपर सबसे ऊंची बोली लगाने वाले को बेच दिए गए तो उनकी सभी आकांक्षाएं दूर हो गईं। हम एक ऐसे छात्र के बारे में भी जानते हैं जिसने सीट न मिल पाने के कारण आत्महत्या कर ली।

सिरिशा ने कसम खाई कि उन्हें तेलंगाना के युवाओं के साथ हुए इस अन्याय को ठीक करने के लिए कुछ करना होगा। वह उन सभी लोगों की मदद करना चाहती थी जो इच्छुक थे लेकिन बेरोजगार हो गए।

शिरीषा ने बिना किसी राजनीतिक गॉडफादर या दिग्गजों के आशीर्वाद के, कोल्लापुर में अपने निर्वाचन क्षेत्र से विधायक नामांकन के लिए आवेदन किया।

उनकी मुसीबतें यहीं खत्म नहीं हुईं, शक्तिशाली राजनेताओं ने साम, दाम, दंड, भेद का इस्तेमाल किया। उन्होंने उसका उपहास करने, उसे धमकाने की कोशिश की। अपने शक्तिशाली संबंधों का उपयोग करते हुए, उन्होंने तार खींच दिए और बैंक के साथ उसके यूपीआई लिंक को अवरुद्ध कर दिया, उसे एक अभियान वाहन का उपयोग करने की अनुमति नहीं दी। उसे एक प्रतीक देने में देरी हुई जो कि सीटी है, कुछ हिंसक धमकियाँ भी थीं।

न केवल तेलंगाना बल्कि पड़ोसी राज्यों आंध्र प्रदेश और कर्नाटक से भी हजारों लोग कोल्लापुर आए हैं और उनके अभियान में भाग लिया है। उनके अभियान में भाग लेने वाले सभी लोग स्वैच्छिक हैं और भोजन, ईंधन और आवास के लिए अपना पैसा खर्च कर रहे हैं।

उनके पास झंडे, बैनर और गाड़ियों के लिए पैसे नहीं थे. लेकिन जिन लोगों ने विधायक बनने और युवाओं के लिए बेरोजगारी की समस्या को हल करने के लिए उनकी लड़ाई की प्रशंसा की है, उन्होंने उनके अभियान में अपना जीवन लगा दिया है। यह एक अनोखा संघर्ष है जो केवल भारत में ही हो सकता है। क्या चींटी हाथियों को मार डालेगी. किसी परिवर्तन के लिए वोट करें, न कि ग्लैमर या मुफ़्त चीज़ों के लिए।

सत्यमेव जयते. जय हिन्द

David vs Goliath in Kollapur, Nagarkurnool, Telangana - (English)

How a 25 years poor girl from Kollapur, Nagarkurnool Assembly, Telangana is reaching out to the grassroots and challenging heavyweights from the ruling party.

Sirisha aka Barrellakka who had few buffaloes in her village. She wanted to appear for the Telangana State Civil Group exams after completing her BCom. With an aspiration to appear for the exam, She sold some of her cattle and landed in Hyderabad city to attend coaching classes. She had to stay in a hostel where the food was horrible, She said She had to focus on her goal and not the food. but when the state government delayed the group exams and later the papers were sold to the highest bidder all her aspirations were washed away. We also know about a student who committed suicide for not being able to get a seat.

Sirisha swore that she has to do something to correct this injustice done to the youth of Telangana. She wanted to help all those who were aspiring but turned out to be unemployed.

Shirisha without any political godfather or blessings from heavyweights, filed for the MLA nomination from her consitituency in Kollapur.

Her woes did not end there, powerful politicians used Saam, Dhaam, Dhanda, Bhed. they tried to ridicule her, threathen her. Using their powerful ties, they pulled strings and blocked her UPI links with the bank, did not give her permission to use a campaign vehicle. delayed giving her a symbol which is Whistle, there were also some violent threats.

Thousands of people from not only Telangana but also from neighbouring states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka have come down to Kollapur and have participated in her campaign. Everyone participating in her campaign are voluntary and are spending their own money for food, fuel and accomodation.

She did not have any money for flags, banners and vehicles. But people who have admired her fight to become a MLA and solve the unemployment problem for the youth have poured their lifes saving for her campaign. This is a unique struggle that can only happen in Bharat. Will the ant kill the Elephants. Vote for a cause and not for glamour or freebies. 

Satyamev Jayatey. Jai Hind

Saturday, November 4, 2023

There is a new circus in town called Election

 Election fever is going to grip some of us before Diwali does. colorful flags, posters of candidates in their best smiling faces are going to greet us at every nook and corner. mob crowds with the party paraphenilia is going to cause traffic jams. celebrities will come out and wave at us in big parks and bigger chariots. the cable and telephone wires overhead are going to be cast into a shadow with paper flags lined up entire streets.

Elections is a seasonal situation where colorful creatures venture out into the public. they are the candidates vying for a berth in the government, they appear only before elections and offer freebies to the lower income class, the middle class are ashamed to seek favours as they still are clinging to their self-esteem and values, they refrain themselves from committing to anyone or casting a vote, while the rich are always in touch with the candidates after they win the elections and are in power. this is the reason that less than 50% of voting happens every election and it majorly comprises the low income group voters. This gives the reigns of power to the ineligible candidates who then repay the loans taken from the rich in the format of contracts and permissions. This is the usual formula.

How do the candidates make money, they get money from the rich for more illegal contracts and licenses. every year they get a huge corpus from the middle class in terms of Income Tax. the Lower income class enjoys a Diwali during elections and then are totally neglected untill the next season.

who gains from this charade, the politicians and the rich. who loses the most the lower income class and who pays for this entire charade, the middle class.

what should the middle class do. come out and vote. but the question is how to choose the bad from the worst. Tax paying middle class has to unite and ask the government to reform certain things.

1) Candidates eligibility - Health minister should be a doctor who has managed a government hospital, Law minister should be a veteran lawyer, Home minister should have retired from the defence forces, Agriculture minister should be a farmer.

2) Manifesto - rating on previous term manifesto fulfilled if in power or number of questions asked, RTI raised to get answers, petitions applied/won and in all worked on them.

3) Civic living facility provided - footpaths, parks, clean water reservoirs, no overhead wire clutter, licence vendors in market places, parking arrangements, uninterrupted water and power supply, proper garbage disposal.

4) No Reservation - There should be no reservation but only merit. we introduced reservation in 1990. Twenty years and we have added many more sub castes and provided even more reservation to them. The only prefernce should be for the EBC. rest should be merit. how do we know EBC. well the government has digitised everything, we have linked our PAN and Aadhaar alongwith our blood group and DNA. it is not rocket science to identify the EBC from the affordable class.

5) Education option - many countries apply early gates to university entry during the school exams itself. if someone is not performing in STEM, they are not eligible for the university course dealing in STEM. children get a chance to choose economics or humanities in school. Math and Science are the other options. this provides two paths -  University or Polytechnic. Introduce Enterpruenership early in school. let students prove their metal in non-academic avenues as well.

6) Educators - Revive the Government run education institutes, let children provide feedback on their teachers and administration, let teachers be upgraded and re-certified. Let there be practical labs in schools, if not then provide a centralised lab or a mobile lab that all schools can visit on a particular weekday.

7) Health -  Make equipment work in Government hospitals. make healthcare chargeable not upfront but by making everyone save in PPF which will have a portion for insurance towards affordable healthcare. those who are in chronic or emergency ailments , let the government sponsor their treatment partially from the Income Tax it collects. Free healthcare is not going to be affordable nor will it have any quality service. Once stopped, quality will be demanded and expected from the health workers.

8) Legal - re-test all the advocates not on paper but making them close all the pending cases. give them rating based on the number of cases resolved in a year. let the public also rate the lawyers. Let the practise of delaying justice by getting dates be abolished, instead set three dates can be achieved and then the case is closed in favor of whoever was ready to plead the case.

I hope you are getting the gist. we are living in a circus, not watching it but infact being made to do tricks to amuse the Politicians and the rich. 

think twice before who you are going to cast a vote for. 

Let your judgement not be clouded by cast, creed or face value. 

ask for your rights to live a better life. 

vote for a change, vote for growth, vote for how happy you want your family to be. 

Jai Hind.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Screen de-addiction tips for young parents

 Digital devices have become an integral part of our lives, offering convenience and connecting us to the world. However, excessive screen time can lead to addiction, especially in children. As parents, it is our responsibility to guide our children towards a healthy and balanced digital lifestyle. In this article, we will explore various strategies and practical ideas to help parents in screen de-addiction for their children.

Understanding Screen Addiction

Before embarking on the journey of screen de-addiction, it is crucial to understand the impact of screen addiction on children. Excessive screen time can negatively affect their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Screen addiction has become a growing concern in today's digital age. With the widespread availability of smartphones, tablets, and computers, children are spending more time than ever before in front of screens. This excessive screen time can have detrimental effects on their overall health and development.

The Impact of Screen Addiction on Children

Research has shown that prolonged exposure to screens can lead to sleep disturbances, obesity, and poor academic performance. The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, making it harder for children to fall asleep and get a good night's rest. Lack of sleep can have a cascading effect on their physical and mental well-being, leading to fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and decreased cognitive function.

In addition to sleep disturbances, excessive screen time has been linked to an increased risk of obesity in children. Sedentary behaviors, such as sitting for long periods while engaging with screens, can contribute to weight gain and the development of unhealthy eating habits. Furthermore, the constant exposure to advertisements for unhealthy food and beverages on screens can influence children's dietary choices, leading to an increased consumption of sugary and processed foods.

Academic performance can also suffer as a result of screen addiction. Spending excessive time on screens can lead to a decrease in time spent on homework and studying. The constant distractions and multitasking that screens offer can hinder concentration and retention of information, making it harder for children to perform well academically.

Moreover, screen addiction can hinder social and emotional development in children. As they spend more time engrossed in screens, they have fewer opportunities for face-to-face interactions and meaningful connections with others. This lack of social engagement can lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and difficulty in developing interpersonal skills. Additionally, the constant exposure to unrealistic portrayals of beauty, success, and relationships on screens can negatively impact children's self-esteem and overall emotional well-being.

Recognizing the Signs of Screen Addiction in Your Child

Recognizing the signs of screen addiction is the first step towards addressing the issue. It is important for parents and caregivers to be aware of the warning signs and be vigilant in monitoring their child's screen time. Some common signs of screen addiction include withdrawal symptoms when screens are unavailable, neglecting other activities such as hobbies or sports, and becoming irritable or aggressive when screen time is restricted.

Other signs may include a preoccupation with screens, constantly seeking opportunities to use screens, and a loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyed. It is important to note that these signs may vary from child to child and can manifest differently depending on their age and individual circumstances.

By being proactive in recognizing these signs, parents can take the necessary steps to address screen addiction and help their child develop a healthier relationship with technology. This may involve setting limits on screen time, encouraging alternative activities, and fostering open communication about the impact of screens on their well-being.

Strategies for Screen De-Addiction

Once you have recognized the problem of screen addiction in your child, it's time to implement effective strategies to reduce screen time and encourage a healthier lifestyle. By taking proactive steps, you can help your child develop a balanced relationship with technology.

Setting healthy screen time limits is an essential aspect of screen de-addiction. Establishing clear and consistent rules regarding screen usage is crucial. Set specific time intervals for screen time and ensure that your child understands and follows these limits. Gradually decreasing the allotted time can help your child gradually reduce their dependence on screens, allowing them to explore other activities and interests.

Encouraging offline activities is another vital strategy in combating screen addiction. Providing your child with alternative activities to keep them engaged offline can help redirect their focus and reduce their reliance on screens. Encourage hobbies such as painting, playing a musical instrument, or engaging in sports. Encouraging reading can also be an excellent way to stimulate their imagination and promote a love for books. Additionally, spending quality time with family and friends can help your child develop social skills and create meaningful connections.

Creating a balanced digital environment at home is equally important. As a parent, it is crucial to lead by example and establish healthy screen habits. Set specific screen-free zones in the house, such as bedrooms and mealtime areas, where screens are not allowed. These areas should be dedicated to face-to-face interactions and other offline activities. By creating a digital-free space, you can encourage meaningful conversations and strengthen family bonds.

Furthermore, it is essential to educate your child about the potential negative effects of excessive screen time. Discuss the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between screen usage and other activities. Help them understand the benefits of engaging in offline activities and the potential risks of excessive screen time, such as decreased physical activity, poor sleep quality, and impaired social interactions.

Remember, screen de-addiction is a gradual process that requires patience and consistency. By implementing these strategies and providing a supportive environment, you can help your child develop a healthier relationship with screens and promote their overall well-being.

Practical Ideas for Screen De-Addiction

In addition to the aforementioned strategies, there are several practical ideas that can support your child's journey towards screen de-addiction.

One practical idea is to establish tech-free zones in your home where screens are not allowed. This can include the dining area, bedrooms, and family gathering spaces. By creating these designated areas, you provide your child with physical spaces that encourage them to focus on other activities and limit their screen time. For example, the dining area can become a place for family conversations and bonding during meal times, while the bedrooms can be transformed into cozy reading nooks or spaces for creative play.

Another effective approach is to designate specific days or hours as screen-free periods. During these times, encourage your child to find alternative activities to occupy their time. This can include outdoor play, where they can engage in physical activities and explore nature. It can also involve arts and crafts, where they can unleash their creativity and create something tangible. Additionally, they can be encouraged to engage in a new hobby, such as learning a musical instrument or practicing a sport. These screen-free periods provide an opportunity for your child to discover new interests and develop skills outside of the digital realm.

Implementing a reward system can also be a powerful motivator for your child to reduce their screen time. Create a system where you set achievable goals for them, such as limiting their daily screen time to a certain number of hours. When they successfully meet these goals, reward them with something they enjoy, such as a fun outing to the park, a trip to their favorite ice cream shop, or extra playtime with friends. This positive reinforcement not only acknowledges their efforts but also reinforces the idea that prioritizing healthier activities over excessive screen time can lead to enjoyable experiences.

Remember, screen de-addiction is a journey that requires patience and consistent effort. By implementing these practical ideas, you can create an environment that supports your child in developing a healthier relationship with screens and encourages them to explore a wide range of activities beyond the digital world.

Dealing with Resistance and Backlash

It's natural for children to resist changes in their routines, especially when it comes to reducing screen time. However, as parents, it is important to handle their resistance with patience and understanding.

Communicating the Importance of Screen De-Addiction

Engage in open and honest conversations with your child about the importance of screen de-addiction. Explain the potential consequences of excessive screen time and emphasize the benefits of a balanced digital lifestyle.

When discussing the importance of screen de-addiction, it can be helpful to provide real-life examples of how excessive screen time can negatively impact various aspects of their lives. For instance, you can talk about how spending too much time on screens can affect their physical health, such as causing eye strain or leading to a sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, you can highlight the impact on their mental well-being, such as decreased social interaction or difficulty focusing on other activities.

By explaining the potential consequences, you are helping your child understand the reasons behind the screen time limits and encouraging them to make healthier choices.

Handling Your Child's Resistance

Listen to your child's concerns and validate their feelings. It's important for them to feel heard and understood during this transition. By acknowledging their resistance, you can create a safe space for them to express their emotions and concerns.

When addressing their resistance, it can be helpful to offer alternatives and compromises that make the transition easier for them. For example, you can suggest finding activities that incorporate screens in a balanced manner, such as educational apps or interactive learning games. This way, they can still enjoy some screen time while also engaging in activities that promote learning and development.

Additionally, involve your child in the decision-making process. Ask for their input on setting screen time limits or finding alternative activities. By including them in the decision-making, they will feel a sense of ownership and be more likely to cooperate.

Maintaining Consistency in Screen Time Rules

Consistency is key when it comes to enforcing screen time rules. Stick to the established limits and consequences for exceeding them. By consistently reinforcing these rules, your child will understand the importance of adhering to them.

It can be challenging to maintain consistency, especially when faced with resistance or backlash from your child. However, it is crucial to stay firm and not give in to their demands. Remember, you are setting boundaries for their well-being and development.

One way to ensure consistency is by creating a visual schedule or timer that clearly indicates when screen time starts and ends. This visual aid can help your child understand and accept the limits more easily.

Additionally, lead by example. Show your child that you also adhere to screen time limits and engage in activities that do not involve screens. By modeling a balanced digital lifestyle, you are reinforcing the importance of these rules.

Remember, screen de-addiction is a gradual process and it requires patience and perseverance. By implementing these strategies and practical ideas, you can support your child in developing a healthy relationship with screens and ensure their overall well-being.

For more practical tips and tools, please check out my eBook on Amazon —

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Welcome to Atulya Bharat

The dazzling blue sky with the free birds that fly

the beautiful mountain peaks but nothing beats the deeps

Welcome to Atulya Bharat, a land of beauty and diversity

come witness natures beauty in each city

discover secret beaches embraced by oceans and sea

trek the snowy peaks of the Himalayas, experience an adventure spree

Bharat is a land of rich heritage and culture

where history's legacy is alive from monuments that still survive

Experience vibrant traditions and customs across the lands

where every other day is celebrated with festivals and bands

It is a land of wonders and attraction

you can witness its magic and beauty in each person

from ruins to modern structures it is lined

where the best brains thrive and is a cultural gold mine 


Be amazed with the diversity in languages, attire and religions

 Seek blessings from the shrines and ride the mystic engine.
